The Whittens | Family | Digital Preview


Heather is a ridiculously talented photographer living just south of Tucson whom I discovered through the magic of Instagram. She doesn’t even shoot for business right now… she only shoots personal work and leave it to her to dig up a random camera and long-lost roll of film the day of our shoot when they went to the zoo afterwards and pop out some amazing images. I have my fingers crossed that she will be a fellow FINDer in November as we both share a love for all things film- self-professed film nerds, we are.

She and Thomas are parents to Lily and foster parents to Baby R and Mr. J. The rules of fostering are complicated, and require that the kiddos names and faces not be shared online while in the fostering program… hence the reason why you don’t see their sweet faces in the photos below. But take it from me, they are just beautiful babies. Since discovering her work via IG, I have been stalking her blog and have such an appreciation not only for her photography, but also for the way she shares her story. I’m super stoked to have met Heather and Thomas + 3 and hope to see more of them soon- and even more honored to be asked to capture their family as it is right now… fostering is a bittersweet process, ridden with both joy and heartache as it has the potential to change the landscape of a family on a moment’s notice.

As we anxiously await the film images (which may be limited in the upcoming post for the reasons stated above), here’s a peek at my morning with the Whitten family. So glad to have been a part of it…














3 thoughts on “The Whittens | Family | Digital Preview

  1. oh i absolutely love the last photo! so precious!!!

  2. Thank you! I know I’ve said it to you a thousand times in the last few weeks. But, really, thank you for your willingness, your patience, your words and your images. We are lucky to have you so close to us and I, too, look forward to seeing you lots and lots while we’re still in Arizona! Thank you<3

  3. Pingback: The Whittens | Family | Film «

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