Tengberg Maternity | Film

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I have to say, it really is like Christmas when the email arrives saying, “Your scans are ready.” I pretty much leaped out of bed and went straight for the computer to get my paws on these images. You can read more about my lovely and gorgeously pregnant friend Meggin here. I’m anxiously awaiting the phone call saying it’s go time so I can take her birth pictures, but so far, no dice. But I’m beginning to think the stars are FINALLY aligning and if we’re lucky, today may just be the day… it’s 10/11/12… It’s a rainy day… these pictures came in… come on now, Molly, it really doesn’t get any more perfect for your arrival than this… 🙂

Taken on the Mamiya 645 and my cute blue Holga. Portra 400 and Acros 100.

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